Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) vs Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO)

Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO) is a certificate issued by the local authorities (PBT) under the Uniform Building By-Laws of the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (Act 133) [1]. A developer is usually allowed to hand over the vacant possession of a building to the buyer upon receiving the confirmation letter from relevant authority verifying Form E (a statutory form used for CFO application) has been duly submitted and approved by the appropriate authority.

What is Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC)?

Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) introduced by the Street, Drainage and Building (Amendment) Act 2007, enforced on 12th April 2007 to replace the previous system of CFO to smoothen and accelerate the whole building process [1]. Under this new system, the CCC is issued by the Principal Submitting Person (PSP) who can be a Professional Architect, Professional Engineer or Registered Building Draughtsman who submits building plans.

Why government replaces CFO with CCC?

The implementation of CCC by government comes along with various benefits that encounter the issues previously arise in CFO system. The old system is less effective, more cumbersome and time consuming. Examples of problems arise are delay in certification by technical agencies, non-compliance of developer for Form E submission to PBT, additional conditions imposed by PBT during CFO application and insufficient technical officers to process the CFO application. In addition, the properties buyers cannot move in and occupy their properties upon submission of Form E and receiving of vacant possessions from developers because the CFO has not yet been issued.

What advantages does CCC bring?

With the execution of newly CCC system all the issues arise in former system can be resolved via self-certification, self-regulation as well as cutting down red-tapism and corruption. CCC only deals with technical aspects and it ensures the owners to occupy the buildings as soon as possible without compromising their safety. Vacant possession is usually transferred together with the issuance of CCC. Besides, under the new act, the responsibility matrix method has been introduced that each construction phase has to be endorsed by the professionals or contractors. 21 stage certification forms (Form Gs) need to be verified along the entire construction process. With this method applied, the quality of construction work can be significantly improved since action can be taken on the parties which are responsible when there are failures emerge in building works.

The stage certification forms for various work components under CCC are as below: [2]

When CCC can be issued? What clearances/conditions/requirements needed for CCC issuance?

CCC can only be issued when the completion of project is in accordance with the approved building plans or as-built drawing plans and supervision of all works has been conducted by PSP accordingly. The PBT has the authority to carry out site inspection on their initiative and scrutinize work progress to issue written notice for PSP not to release CCC if divergences are not corrected. Before the issuance of CCC, the PSP must also ensure all the Form Gs are duly filled and certified as well as all the clearances in place. Within 14 days of CCC issuance, PSP has to deposit a copy of the CCC (together with all Form Gs) to the PBT and the Professional Board (BAM/BEM).

Following are the essential services must be provided: